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Select Institution [Adv Pl... is for Advanced Placement, SCROLL DOWN for COLLEGES]:
AP - Advanced Placement
ASA College
Abilene Christian University
Adams State University
Adv Pl Math 3 AB Exam
Adv Pl Math 5 BC Exam
Adv Pl Music 4 or 5
Adv Pl-Art Drawing/Portfolio
Adv Pl-Art General/Portfolio
Adv Pl-Art History 3,4 or
Adv Pl-Biology 3,4 or 5
Adv Pl-Chemistry 3 or 4
Adv Pl-Chemistry 5
Adv Pl-Comp Sci 3 A Exam
Adv Pl-Comp Sci 3, 4, or 5 AB
Adv Pl-Comp Sci 4 or 5 A Exam
Adv Pl-Comp Sci 4 or 5 AB Exam
Adv Pl-Engl Comp/Lang
Adv Pl-Engl Comp/Lit 3
Adv Pl-Engl Comp/Lit 4
Adv Pl-Engl Comp/Lit 5
Adv Pl-European Hist 3,4,or
Adv Pl-Physics I/3,4, or 5
Adv Pl-Studio: 2-D Design
Adv Pl-Studio: 3-D Design
Adv Pl-World Hist 3, 4, or 5
Aims Community College
Air Univ/CC of Air Force
Alabama A&M University
Alabama State University
Alan Hancock College
Alcorn State University
Alderson Broaddus University
Allegheny College
Allen University
Alma College
Alpena Community College
American Public Univ System
American River College
American Samoa Comm College
Antelope Valley College
Arapahoe Community College
Arizona Christian University
Arizona State University
Arizona Western College
Arkansas Baptist College
Arkansas Tech Univ
Armstrong Atlantic State Univ
Augustana College
Austin Community College
BYU Pathway
Bakersfield College
Barton College
Bay De Noc Comm Coll
Beacon College
Becker College
Bellevue College
Belmont University
Benedict College
Bergen Comm College
Bethany College
Bethel College
Bethune Cookman University
Big Bend Comm College
Bishop State Community College
Bismark State College
Black Hills State Univ
Blue Mountain Community Colleg
Bluegrass Community & Technical College
Boise State University
Boston College
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University
Briar Cliff University
Bridgerland Applied Tech Centr
Brigham Young Univ
Brigham Young Univ/Hawaii
Brigham Young Univ/Idaho
Bristol Community College
Brookhaven College
Broward College
Brunswick Comm College
Bryant & Stratton College
Buena Vista University
Bunker Hill Community College
Butler County Comm College
Butler County Comm College
Butte College
Cabrilo College
Cal State Univ/Los Angeles
Cal State Univ/Maritime Academ
Cal State Univ/San Marcos
Cal State University-Fullerton
Calif St Univ-Channel Islands
California Baptist University
California St Univ-Sacramento
California State - Bakersfield
California State Univ/Fresno
California State Univ/Northrid
Campbellsville University
Canada College
Cape Fear Community College
Capella University
Capital Community College
Capital University
Carroll College
Carroll Community College
Casper College
Central Arizona College
Central Carolina Comm College
Central Connecticut State Univ.
Central Lakes College
Central Michigan University
Central Missouri State Univ
Central New Mexico Comm Coll
Central Oregon Comm Coll
Central State University
Central Washington Univ
Central Wyoming College
Cerritos College
Cerro-Coso Community College
Chabot College
Chadron State College
Chaffey College
Chandler Gilbert Comm Coll
Chemeketa Comm Coll
Cincinnati Christian Univ
Cincinnati State & Tech CC
Cisco College
Citrus College
City Coll of San Francisco
City College of San Francisco
Clackamas Community College
Clarendon College
Clark College
Clayton State University
Clep Gen Ex English
Cloud County Comm College
Clover Park Tech College
Clovis Community College
Coastline Comm College
Cochise College
Coconino Comm College
Coffeyville Comm College
Colby Comm College
College of Alameda
College of Du Page
College of Eastern Idaho
College of Eastern Utah
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of San Mateo
College of Southern Idaho
College of Southern Nevada
College of Western Idaho
College of the Canyons
College of the Desert
College of the Redwoods
College of the Sequoias
College of the Siskiyous
College-Level Exam Program
Collin Cty Comm College
Colorado Christian University
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado Mountain College
Colorado Northwstrn Comm Col
Colorado State Univ
Colorado State Univ-Pueblo
Colorado Technical University
Columbia Basin College
Columbia College
Columbia College - Sonora
Comm Coll of Allegheny Cty
Comm College of Aurora
Comm College of Denver
Comm College of Vermont
Concordia Univ/Wisconsin
Concordia University
Copiah-Lincoln Comm College
Cornerstone University
Craven Community College
Crown College
Cuesta Community College
Culver-Stockton College
Cuyamaca College
Cypress College
DANTES Subject Standard Test
Dakota Wesleyan Univ
Dallas College
Dartmouth College
Davis Technical College
Dawson Community College
Daytona State College
De La Salle University
DeVry University
Defiance College
Des Moines Area Comm Coll
Diablo Valley College
Dickinson State University
Dine College
Dixie Technical College
Doane University
Dodge City Comm College
Don Bosco University
Drury University
Durham Tech Comm College
East Carolina University
East Central College
East Los Angeles College
Eastern Arizona College
Eastern Florida State College
Eastern Gateway Comm College
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern New Mexico Univ/Portal
Eastern Oregon Univ
Eastern Washington Univ
Eastern Wyoming College
El Camino College
El Paso Community College
Elgin Community College
Elizabethtown Community & Tech
Ellsworth Community College
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ
Emory & Henry College
Ensign College
Erie Comm College/City
Estrella Mtn Comm College
Everett Comm Coll
Excelsior College
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fairmont State University
Fayetteville State University
Fayetteville Tech Comm College
Feather River College
Finger Lakes Comm College
Flathead Valley Comm College
Florida State College
Florida State University
Fontbonne University
Foreign Transcript
Fort Lewis College
Fort Scott Community College
Franklin Pierce University
Frederick Community College
Friends Univ
Front Range Comm College
Fullerton College
Gannon University
Garden City Comm College
Gateway Comm College
Georgia College
Georgia Inst of Technology
Georgia Military College
Georgia State University
Glendale Comm College
Golden West College
Grand Canyon University
Granite State College
Great Basin College
Green River Comm College
Grossmont College
Gwinnett Technical College
Hannibal-Lagrange University
Harding Univ
Harford Community College
Hastings College
Hawkeye Community College
Heidelberg University
Henderson State Univ
Hibbing Community College
Highland Community College
Highline Comm Coll
Hillsborough Comm College
Hinds Community College
Hiram College
Hocking Technical College
Houston Comm College
Howard Community College
Hudson Valley Comm
Humboldt State Univ
Huntingdon College
Hutchinson Community College
IB Credit
Idaho State University
Illinois Eastern Community College
Illinois State Univ
Illinois Wesleyan University
Illinoise Central College
Independence Community College
Indian Hills Community College
International Baccalaureate
Iowa Central Comm College
Iowa Western Community College
Ivy Tech Comm Coll/Bloomington
Ivy Tech Comm College
Ivy Tech Community College
Jackson State Comm College
Jacksonville University
Jamestown Community College
Jefferson State Comm College
Johnson & Wales Univ
Johnson County Comm College
Joyce Univ of Nursing - Health
Kansas City Kansas Com College
Kansas State University
Kapiolani Comm Coll
Kaua'i Community College
Kennedy King College
Kennesaw State University
Kentucky State University
Kilgore College
Lackawanna College
Lake Michigan College
Lakeland College
Lakeland Community College
Lamar Comm College
Lamar State College - Port Arthur
Lamar University
Lane Community College
Laney College
Laramie County Comm College
Laredo Comm College
Las Positas College
Lasell University
Leeward Commuity College
Lenoir Community College
Lesley University
Lewis Clark State College
Liberty University
Life Pacific University
Lincoln Memorial University
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Lone Star College
Long Beach City College
Los Angeles City College
Los Angeles Community College
Los Angeles Harbor College
Los Angeles Southwest College
Los Angelos Valley College
Los Medanos College
Louisburg College
Louisiana Christian University
Louisiana State U/Baton Rouge
Louisiana State U/Shreveport
Lurleen B. Wallace CC
Luther College
MN State Comm/Tech College
Macalester College
Manchester University
Maranatha Baptist University
Marshall University
Marshalltown Comm College
Math Equivalency Waiver QL
Mayville State University
McDowell Technical Comm Coll
McNeese State University
Mercer County Comm College
Mesa Community College
Metropolitan Comm Coll - Kansa
Metropolitan Community College
Metropolitan State University
Miami Dade College
Mid-America Christian Univ
Mid-Plains Community College
Middlesex Community College
Midland College
Midlands Tech College
Midwestern State University
Miles Community College
Military Credit
Minnesota West Comm/Tech Colle
Mira Costa College
Mississippi Gulf Coast Comm
Mississippi State University
Missouri Southern St Univ
Missouri State University
Missouri Valley College
Mohave Community Colleg
Monroe College
Monroe Community College
Montana State Univ - Northern
Montana State Univ/Billings
Montana State University
Montana Tech of University
Monterey Peninsula College
Moorpark College
Moraine Park Technical College
Morgan Community College
Morton College
Motlow State Community College
Mount St. Joseph University
Mountainland App Tech Center
Mt. Hood Community College
Mt. San Antonio College
Mt. San Jacinto College
Murray State University
NHTI Concord's Comm. College
NW Michigan College
Napa Valley College
Nassau Community College
National University
Navajo Technical University
Navarro College
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Neosho County Comm College
Nevada State College
New Mexico Junior College
New Mexico Military Institute
New Mexico State Univ/Las Cru
Nicholls State University
Nichols College
Nightingale College
North Carolina Central Univ
North Carolina State Universit
North Central University
North Dakota State Coll/Scien
North Idaho College
North Lake College
North Shore Community College
Northeast Comm Coll-Nebraska
Northeast Iowa Comm College
Northeast Texas Comm College
Northeastern Junior College
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M
Northern Arizona Univ
Northern Essex Community College
Northern Illinois University
Northern Virginia Comm Coll
Northern Wyoming CC District
Northland College
Northland Pioneer College
Northwest Arkansas Comm Colleg
Northwest College
Northwest Indian College
Northwest Mississippi Comm
Northwest Missouri State Univ
Northwest Nazarene College
Northwestern St U of Louisiana
Oakland Comm College
Ocean County College
Odessa College
Ogden-Weber Applied Tech Coll
Ohio Northern University
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma Panhandle State Univ
Old Dominion University
Olivet Nazarene University
Olympic College
Oregon Inst of Technology
Oregon State University
Osaka Dental Hygienist School
Otemon Gakuin University
Otero Junior College
Ottawa University
Out of Country
Out of Country DO NOT USE
Out of State
Out of State DO NOT USE
Oxnard College
Ozarks Tech Comm College
POST Academy
Pace University
Pacific College
Pacific Union College
Palm Beach State College`
Palo Alto College
Palomar Community College
Paradise Valley Comm College
Paris Junior College
Park University
Parkland College
Pasadena City College
Pellissippi State Comm College
Penn State University
Pensacola State College
Peru State College
Phoenix College
Pierce College
Pikes Peak Comm Coll
Pima Comm College
Polk State College
Pomona College
Porterville College
Portland Comm Coll
Prairie State College
Prairie View A & M University
Pratt Community College
Presentation College
Prince Georges Comm Coll
Provo College
Pueblo Community College
Purdue University Global
Purdue University/Main
Quinsigamond Community College
Ranger College
Red Rocks Community College
Redlands Community College
Reedley College
Regent University
Reinhardt University
Rider University
Rio Salado College
Riverside Community College
Roane State Community College
Rochester Community/Tech Coll.
Rochester Institute of Tech
Rock Valley College
Rocky Mountain College
Rogue Comm College
Rollins College
Rowan College/South Jersey
Rowan-Cabarrus Comm College
SC Kentucky Comm/Tech College
SUNY Canton
SUNY Jefferson
Sacramento City College
Saddleback College
Saint Augustine's Univeristy
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary's College of CA
Salisbury University
Salt Lake Comm College
San Bernardino Valley College
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego Miramar College
San Francisco State Univ
San Jacinto College District
San Joaquin Delta College
San Jose City College
San Juan College
Santa Ana College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Monica College
Santa Rosa Junior College
Santiago Canyon College
Savannah State College
Scottsdale Community College
Seminole State College of FL
Seton Hill University
Sevier Valley Tech
Shasta College
Shelton State Comm College
Sierra College
Sinclair Comm Coll
Skagit Valley College
Skyline College
Snow College Credit by Exam
Snow Prior Learning Assessment
South Louisiana Comm College
South Mountain Community Colle
South Puget Sound Comm College
South Seattle Community Coll
South Texas Comm College
Southeast Community College
Southeastern OK State Univers
Southeastern University
Southern Arkansas University
Southern Baptist Theo Seminary
Southern Nazarene University
Southern New Hampshire Univ
Southern Oregon Univ
Southern Utah University
Southern Virginia Univ
Southwest Baptist University
Southwest Minnesota State Univ
Southwest Technical College
Southwest Texas Junior College
Southwestern Assemblies of God
Southwestern College
Southwestern Illinois College
Southwestern Oklahoma State U
Southwestern Oregon Comm Col
Spokane Comm Coll
Spokane Falls Community Colleg
St Cloud State University
St Johns River State College
St Louis Community College
St Michael's College
St Phillips College
St. Catherine University
St. Norbert College
St. Olaf College
St. Thomas University
Stark State College
Stephen Austin State Univ
Sterling College
Stony Brook University
Sul Ross State University
Syracuse University
Tabor College
Taft College
Takoma Comm Coll
Tallahassee Comm College
Tarleton State University
Tarrant County College
Temple College
Texas A&M International U
Texas Southmost College
Texas State U-San Marcos
Texas Tech University
Texas Wesleyan University
The Art Institute of Pittsburg
The University of Toledo
Thomas More University
Tidewater Comm College
Tillamook Bay Comm College
Tooele Applied Technical College
Towson University
Treasure Valley Comm Coll
Trine University
Trinidad State Jr.College
Trinity College
Trinity Valley Comm Coll
Trocaire College
Troy University
Truckee Mdws Community College
Truman State University
Tulane University
Tyler Junior College
U of MD University College
U of Minnesota-Crookston
U. of South Florida
Uintah Basin Technical College
Ulster County Comm College
Umpqua Comm Coll
Union Inst & University
Univ of Alaska/Fairbanks
Univ of Alaska/Southeast
Univ of Arizona Global Campus
Univ of Arkansas/Fort Smith
Univ of Arkansas/Main
Univ of Cal/Los Angeles
Univ of Cal/Santa Cruz
Univ of California-Berkeley
Univ of Houston
Univ of Maine - Presque Isle
Univ of Missouri/Kansas City
Univ of Montana Western
Univ of Nebraska-Omaha
Univ of Nebraska/Lincoln
Univ of Nevada/Las Vegas
Univ of Nevada/Reno
Univ of New Mexico
Univ of Northern Colorado
Univ of Texas-Austin
Univ of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Univ of Wisconsin Colleges
Univ of Wisconsin Green Bay
Univ of Wyoming
Universidad Del Turabo
University at Buffalo
University of (do not use)
University of Alabama
University of Alaska/Anchg
University of Arizona
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Charleston
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
University of Guam
University of Hawaii at Manoa
University of Hawaii at Maui
University of Idaho
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Mary
University of Mass - Lowell
University of Massachusetts Global
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Minnesota/Duluth
University of Montana/Missoula
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska
University of New England
University of New Haven
University of North Texas
University of Northern Alabama
University of Oklahoma
University of Phoenix
University of Pittsburgh
University of Saint Mary
University of South Dakota
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Texas/San Antoni
University of Utah
University of Washington
University of West Georgia
Universtiy of Vermont
Utah State University
Utah Tech University
Utah Valley Univ
Utah Valley University
Valley City State University
Valparaiso University
Ventura College
Vernon College
Victor Valley College
Victoria College
Vincennes Univ
Virginia Western Comm Coll
Waldorf College
Washington State Univ
Washtenaw Community College
Waubonsee Community College
Wayland Baptist University
Wayne State University
Weber State University
West Hills College Coalinga
West Hills College Lemoore
West Liberty University
West Los Angeles College
West Texas A&M University
West Virginia University
Western Carolina University
Western Colorado University
Western Governors University
Western Intrn'l University
Western Iowa Tech Comm College
Western Kentucky University
Western Nebraska Comm
Western Nevada College
Western New Mexico University
Western Texas College
Western Washington University
Western Wyoming Comm College
Westminster College
Westmoreland Cty Comm College
Whitworth University
William Penn University
Williston State College
Windward Comm College
Wiregrass Georgia Tech Coll
Woodland Community College
Worcester Polytechnic Inst
Wright State University
Yakima Valley Comm Coll
Yavapai College
York County Community College
Youngstown State Univeristy
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